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OKRWG Satellite Chapters are Here!


OKRWG is growing! This month we opened our first Satellite Chapter in Tulsa, OK, and we are so excited!

What's an OKRWG Satellite Chapter, you ask?

A satellite chapter is a group of OKRWG members from the same city who are too far away to attend our meetings in OKC in person, but still want the in person experience. An organizer will set up a meeting location in their city and then they will all watch the OKRWG Virtual broadcast of our monthly workshops together.

If you are interested in starting a satellite chapter in your city, check out the satellite chapter section of the bylaws for the rules & regulations. You must have at least 5 OKRWG members in your city to qualify.

For more info, visit HERE or contact OKRWG President, Sabrina Fish



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